Power Booster

Indianapolis's Premier Indoor Training System

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Base classes reintroduce you to the trainer after a full outdoor riding season. During the first phase, you will establish training zones and create a foundation for further indoor winter riding. Our instructors will help you understand the workouts and bring you up to speed on all training terminology and mindsets that they personally use to carry out blocks of training.


Build classes begin your progression of increasing your power and strength on the bicycle. We introduce longer intervals and efforts that give your cycling system well-rounded workouts, making you a faster cyclist.

Build Plus

Build Plus classes will carry you through the tough winter months and build upon the work you have been doing to increase your power and strength further. Efforts will become more intense, and the workouts will be challenging, but you will be on the right track to begin riding outside in front of the pack when the classes are over.

Race Ready

RACE READY classes are for cyclists who want to sharpen their tools before the summer racing season takes off or for anybody who wants to continue training and riding indoors with a structured and guided workout. These classes are full-throttle and will tax your legs to ensure your high-end speed is where it needs to be to not only ride in the front of the pack but also be a leader with speed on all of your group rides.

CLASSES Located At:
Paul J. Norman Cycling Center, Marian University

3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis

In the back of Oldenburg Hall, across from the baseball field  


POWER BOOSTER (tm)  is Indianapolis' premier indoor cycling studio, a high-tech indoor riding and coaching program put on by Marian University Cycling for the Indianapolis community. Founded in 2006 by Marian University’s Head Cycling Coach Dean Peterson, the popular indoor cycling training series enters another year of preparing Indy-area cyclists for a full season of training and competition through an established system of workouts that take place inside ont Computrainer© units. The advanced indoor multi-rider set-up allows the riders and coach to monitor, via digital screens, individual power (wattage), speed, distance-ridden, caloric expenditure, and other metrics. A small-group setting of eight riders at a time allows coaches to see individual data and hone in on each rider’s specific training needs while riders are coached through designed workouts to build power and form on the bike.

The drills and prescribed cycling intervals are designed to increase cycling-specific efficiency, power, and overall output. POWER BOOSTER is great for those with spring/summer racing goals, triathletes, or those who just want to get into shape and lose unwanted weight quickly and effectively!  The series of classes works as a cohesive system to increase power and prepare riders for the summer season through pedal efficiency drills, specific output intervals, and feedback from coaches, who are experienced cyclists in the community.

POWER BOOSTER is ideal for riders with spring, summer, and fall racing goals, triathletes, or those who want to get into shape and lose unwanted weight quickly and effectively. It builds a solid base of endurance tempo while also beginning higher-end lactate threshold work.


  • A fully-instructed indoor cycling training program designed to increase cycling-specific efficiency, power, and overall output

  • An established system of workouts that takes place on an eight-rider Computrainer system and uses each rider’s individual power output as the guiding metric

  • A system that includes pre- and post-class 20-minute power tests that can directly show the BOOST of power from the class


  • A spin class

  • A series of stand-alone classes that you can pick and choose when to come

  • An open group ride where you can do your own thing

  • Only for serious bike racers. It is for cycling enthusiasts, including women and juniors, who want an indoor training option



EMAIL: John Hoopingarner
Power Booster manager & Marian Cycling Director of Performance

Weather-related closings will be posted on our Facebook and Twitter pages as soon as possible. Unless you see otherwise, you can assume the class is ON. If you are unable to make it to class due to weather, contact us for a rescheduling opportunity.


TWITTER @wattspot