Elite Training Pass - 2024
This pass will provide access to all Elite training sessions for 2025. A normal session for Elite training is $15/session, this pass saves you over $100 on Elite training sessions in 2025.
Elite Training Sessions will be lead by ICX track specialists Stephanie Lawrence and Fred Meredith, and the motor will be driven by Scott Whiteman. Instruction throughout the year may also include professional track racers from Indianapolis as well as from around the country.
This pass will provide access to all Elite training sessions for 2025. A normal session for Elite training is $15/session, this pass saves you over $100 on Elite training sessions in 2025.
Elite Training Sessions will be lead by ICX track specialists Stephanie Lawrence and Fred Meredith, and the motor will be driven by Scott Whiteman. Instruction throughout the year may also include professional track racers from Indianapolis as well as from around the country.
This pass will provide access to all Elite training sessions for 2025. A normal session for Elite training is $15/session, this pass saves you over $100 on Elite training sessions in 2025.
Elite Training Sessions will be lead by ICX track specialists Stephanie Lawrence and Fred Meredith, and the motor will be driven by Scott Whiteman. Instruction throughout the year may also include professional track racers from Indianapolis as well as from around the country.